Wednesday, June 2, 2010

moments that count.

Im sure you all have noticed that im starting to write in this more. i find it to be very helpful. these past few days have been pretty cool. every since the ex-missionaries left I knew i had to step my game up in Tyler. so, i started reading my scriptures more and studying them more. i am currently reading the book of Jacob. All i have say is that Jacob 5 is so AMAZING! my friend Dan in a way challenged me to read and see if i could understand it the first time i read it. so i read and i found every answer to all my problems lately in that one chapter! it was such a blessing. i have never really read the scriptures and connected so well with them before so it was completely awesome! it gave me the answer to my prayers about why I needed to be in Tyler. As you can tell from my other blogs,im not very much of a fan for this place. so it was nice to know an exact reason why i needed to be here. im so very blessed for being able to come across that. it was a nice uplifter for me :)
on Sunday i went to a ward in Palestine with sister Taylor and sister Loyd, they are my bff's in tyler. It made me feel thankful for the ward that i have. i never give it enough credit. but i was thankful for their tiny young womens class. they had 2 girls in there which gave me the opportunity to participate in their game they played. It was fun! we had to pretend to be missionaries and "convert" or be able to answers a nonmebers questions corectly. i would have to say the spirit for sure came right through me. i felt as if i was a true missionaries! it was pretty cool. then going back to the Tyler ward after that was nice. The whole Weaver family was back in town, with their newest member whitney. She is so tiny and adorable! im sure she will fit right in with that funny family.
memorial day was a succss! we actually planned a last minute YSA activity and it came though! i was so happy. people actually came and had fun. we all went to the lake and swam around, me and kevin did a little fishing that didnt turn out so great. either way it turnd out very nice and i am so pround of kevin and I for not giving up and keeping up the hard work! thanks kevin!

last night, which was June 1st i got to spend it with the people who mean most to me. Audrey and Drew. my two best friends with me, gold carting around martino land. of course Drew has to scare me and audrey every chance he gets by telling us freaky stories about convicts escaping and running to his land. not cool since me and arey are the biggest scady cats ever!- but of course thats Drew. The most incredible moment about last night was that we saw a shooting star!!! iknow, yall probably dont find it as cool as i do but i have never seen one! beign able to see it with two special people who you know will be in your lives forever is so precious. i felt like it was a true confirmation that we were suppost to be friends. i hope we were friends before we came down to earth as well. that would be so sweet.
im so blessed to be able to have all these great things happen lately! lets hope they keep coming!

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